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Asked by: Badredin Kufer
music and audio tv and film podcastsCan I change my Apple ID from iCloud to Gmail?
Beside this, can you change your Apple iCloud email address?
If you use an,,or email address as your Apple ID,youcan't change it to a third partyemailaddress. To find an eligible emailaddressthat you can use as your Apple ID login,sign into your Apple ID account page and click Editunderthe Account section.
Considering this, how do I change my Gmail to my iCloud?
1) Go to click on the cog thenSettingsand choose the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab. 2) EnteryouriCloud address when asked for a forwarding address. 3)Youwill receive an email to verify permission.
You can have only one email account(withup to three aliases) associated with an iCloud account.Ifyou want completely separate emailinboxes,you'll have to create a separateiCloudaccount. You cannot be logged in to twodifferentiCloud accounts at once on a Mac or iOSdevice.