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Asked by: Eline Notivoli
technology and computing computer peripheralsCan I connect microphone to aux?
Accordingly, can you plug a mic into a line input?
No. There is not enough gain to amplifyamicrophone in a line input. Line Inputsarenot designed for microphones and although it is possibletouse them, the results will not provide optimum.Ifyou have a mic with a jack plug on ityoushould change it for a XLR connector.
Also to know, can I connect microphone to speaker?
If your speaker is “powered”-sometimes wrongly referred to as “active” - whichmeansit has a built-in amplifier, and has a three-pin or trsinputlabeled “mic”, then you can plug yourmicdirectly into the speaker, given the connections match uporyou have the correct adapters.
Mini-plug microphone However, microphone jacks may also be locatedonthe top or front of the computer case. Many laptop computersandChromebooks have a microphone built into them.Ifnot, the microphone jack is usually located on thefrontedge, or near the front left or rightside.