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Asked by: Marva Jacobmeyer
food and drink barbecues and grillingCan I cook a prime rib roast from frozen?
Similarly, you may ask, can you cook prime rib from frozen?
Roast the frozen prime rib in preheated oven for1 hour 15 minutes for rare, or 1 hour 25 minutes for medium. Theinternal temperature should be 130 F for rare or 140 F formedium.
Furthermore, can you freeze a prime rib roast before cooking?
Proper storage is key. As soon as dinner's finished,wrap any leftover prime rib tightly in plastic wrap andrefrigerate or freeze. While it's best the next day,leftover prime rib is good for between five and seven daysin the fridge or up to six months in the freezer.
Allow 4 to 7 hours per pound to defrost largeroasts or thick compact pot roasts. Allow 3 to 5 hours per pound todefrost small roasts or thin pot roasts.