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Asked by: Madalin Seipenbusch
food and drink barbecues and grillingCan I cook bulgur wheat in a rice cooker?
Regarding this, do you have to cook bulgur wheat?
It's not necessary to wash bulgur wheatbeforecooking, although some recipes do call forrinsing ifyou don't drain the bulgur after it'sbeencooked.
In this regard, can you cook other grains in a rice cooker?
Beyond Rice It's easy to explore the more exotic grainslikeKamut®, amaranth and te? when their cook-timeisentirely self-monitored. In general, when cookingdi?erentgrains in a rice cooker, use the grain toliquidratio you would normally use in apot.
As a whole grain, it is a naturally high-fiber,low-fat,low-calorie vegetarian and vegan food ingredient.Butbecause it is wheat, bulgur is not suitable for those onagluten-free diet.