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Asked by: Gigel Wegrzy
healthy living running and joggingCan I downgrade my membership at Planet Fitness?
In this way, how much does it cost to cancel Planet Fitness membership?
Depends on your membership. If you signed up fora membership with a 12 mo commitment and are still withinthe first year, you have a $58 cancellation fee. If yousigned up for a no commitment or have been a member forlonger than a year, there is no fee.
Similarly, it is asked, how do I cancel my membership with Planet Fitness?
To cancel your Planet Fitness membership:You must either go to you local Planet Fitness to fill out acancellation form, OR send a letter (preferably viacertified mail) to the club, requestion cancellation. Youmust provide: Statement of intent to cancelmembership.
There are a few different membership options atPlanet Fitness. A Black Card member pays a $10 startup fee, and a proceeding $19.99 a month for a minimum of 12 months.That will run you $249.88 a year, however it comes with a fewenticing benefits.