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Asked by: Tiago Lanbide
technology and computing tablets and e readersCan I exchange my Kindle for a new one?
Amazon Now Accepts Old Kindles inExchangefor New Ones. Now Kindle ownerscan trade intheir old models and receive credit for a newone, oranything else that Amazon sells. It's kind of liketaking your old,read books to the bookstore and trading them in fornewones.
Subsequently, one may also ask, how do I update my old Kindle?
Do a manual update
- Go to this Amazon help page, find your device and click thelinkin the neighboring column to download the update.
- Plug your Kindle into your computer.
- Eject your Kindle and disconnect the USB cord.
- On your Kindle, go to Menu > Update your Kindle.
One may also ask, how do I exchange my kindle fire?
To return a Fire tablet or Kindle e-reader:
- From the Online Returns Center, click Return a gift.
- Enter the Order number, which is located on thepackingslip.
- Enter your full name and email address.
- Click Continue to proceed with the return process.
Fortunately for Kindle owners, theycanstill use their device in spite of Amazon. So long asadevice is registered, it can still read ebooks bought intheKindle store. Owners of older Kindles can usetheirPC to download ebooks from the Amazon website, and thentransferthose ebooks to the older Kindle.