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Asked by: Aouatef Morlanes
family and relationships divorceCan I get a copy of my custody agreement online?
Similarly, you may ask, how do I get custody papers?
Contact the court clerk. The very first thing you need to do is contactyourlocal family court and ask the clerk how you can obtainthepapers you will need in order to file forchildcustody without a lawyer. In some states, these formscan beprinted right from your computer.
Subsequently, question is, how do I get a copy of a court order?
To order court records online:
- Visit the National Archives Order Reproductions page.
- Click on "Order Reproductions" then "Court Records"
- Select the appropriate court (Bankruptcy, Civil, Criminal,orCourt of Appeals)
- Follow the onscreen prompts to set up an account and placeyourorder.
Parental Rights Therefore, the guardian has physical custody,andthe child's parent does not. However, biologicalparentsmaintain their parental rights, even when they don'thavephysical custody. Their rights are not terminatedbythe guardianship --they're“suspended.”