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Asked by: Khalilah Lysykh
business and finance job marketCan I get an extension on my unemployment in CT?
Also to know is, can I apply for an unemployment extension?
If you are still unemployed afteryourextension period has lapsed, apply for afederalextension through your local benefits office. Thistype ofextension is also called EmergencyUnemploymentCompensation and varies based on where you live.Receive EUC for upto 34 additional weeksautomatically.
Secondly, how long can you claim unemployment in CT?
26 weeks
Unemployment compensation was designed toprovideincome to people who lose their jobs. The problem is thatbenefitsrun out rather quickly. Your claim lasts one year (yourbenefityear), but most states only pay benefits for 13 to 26weeks(a little more than six months) duringtheyear.