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Asked by: Adrienne Castelhano
music and audio tv and film podcastsCan I get BBC iPlayer on my Freeview TV?
Hereof, how do I get BBC iPlayer on my television?
Open the BBC iPlayer app on your TV.Select“Sign in”. You can find this in Settings orbyselecting the “Sign in” icon inthemenu.
To sign in, all you need is:
- A TV with the BBC iPlayer app installed.
- Your phone, tablet or computer.
- A BBC account. You can find out more about BBCaccountshere.
Similarly, you may ask, can you watch BBC iPlayer without TV license?
Yes. A valid TV licence is requiredtowatch or download any BBC programmes onBBCiPlayer, as well as watching or recording liveTVon any channel. Doing so without a TV licenceis acriminal offence and you could be prosecuted andfined up to£1000 (or £2000 in Guernsey).
A BBC account is totally free to sign up for.Youneed to pay the TV licence fee, whichcosts£147 a year, in order to watch BBC iPlayeror anyother TV programming in the UK, but that is required tolegallywatch television in this country, even if you neveruseiPlayer.