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Asked by: Loreley Wagenlehner
events and attractions weddingCan I get married at the courthouse in Florida?
Regarding this, how much does it cost to get married at the courthouse in Florida?
The standard fee for a marriage license is $93.50. The reduced fee for applicants (Florida residents only) who have completed course attendance is $61.00. Preferred method of payment is cash. For guidance on additional methods of payment, please call ahead.
- Contact your local courthouse. Before you can get married at a court, you need to have a marriage license.
- Gather the necessary documents.
- Fill out the application paperwork.
- Pay a fee.
- Apply for a marriage license.
Correspondingly, can you get married the same day in Florida?
Yes, for Florida residents. Marriage license applications are issued the same day as requested as long as all requirements are met. But there is a 3-day waiting period to be married for couples who live in Florida but do not provide proof that they have completed a premarital preparation course.
A: No. Florida law provides that only certain officials are authorized to solemnize marriage. Your friend may participate in the ceremony, for instance, by providing an inspirational message or prayer; but the vows and pronouncement should be done by an official authorized to solemnize marriage in Florida.