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Asked by: Nadeem Urrego
medical health eye and vision conditionsCan I get money for my old glasses?
Similarly, it is asked, what can I do with old prescription glasses?
Pop out the glass lenses and put them in a glassrecycling bin. If the frames are metal or plastic, you canrecycle those also, if your city offers those recycling services.Donate them. Many charities, such as the Lion's Club, collectglasses to give to people in need who can't affordthem.
Subsequently, question is, can you donate old prescription glasses?
They accept both prescription andnon-prescription eyewear, in both adults' and children'ssizes. Donating eyeglasses is easy. All you have todo is to take your old pairs to a Lions Club eyeglassdonation bin in your town, or mail them to the Lions ClubsInternational headquarters.
Local people can do their bit to further thepartnership's goal simply by calling into NorthallertonSpecsavers and dropping their old glasses in aspecial collection bin. The glasses are recycled and themoney raised is used to fund the charity's work in developingcountries.