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Asked by: Pauli Nixdorf
technology and computing antivirus softwareCan I install antivirus without internet?
Got no Internet but need a newantivirus?Noworries, just select the one, download offlineversion and keepit onyour device. For example, Avast OfflineInstaller. Avastoffers twooptions to install its products,either get themvia websiteor install via offline versionwithoutInternetconnection.
Correspondingly, what is the best free online virus scan and removal?
Top-5 Truly Online Virus Scanners–TotallyFREE
- Avira Online Virus Scanner. We like: Cleanandsimpleinterface.
- VirusTotal Online Scanner. We like: Allowslargefilesscanning.
- MetaDefender Cloud Online Scanner. We like: Reliableandaccuratescanner.
- FortiGuard Online Virus Scanner. We like:
- Jotti's Malware Scan. We like:
Beside above, how do I install Avast Internet Security?
Click Change to manually select yourpreferredlocationfor saving Avast Internet Security programfiles,thenselect or deselect program components to install,andclickInstall. Wait while setup installsAvastInternetSecurity on your PC. Click Continue on thescreen belowthemessage You are protected.
Avast program size. CurrentlyusingAvastInternet Security on an HP Pavilion and itoccupiesalmost 2GB ofnow exhausted "disk" space - it is the largestprogramI have by afactor of about 4.