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Asked by: Devajuti Blumenheim
home and garden indoor environmental qualityCan I insulate my attic myself?
Besides, should I insulate my attic myself?
A finished attic should be insulated much like the rest of the house, with insulation in the walls and ceiling. If your attic is already finished, it probably is at least partially insulated. However, most older attics are under-insulated so it's a good idea to raise the R-value where possible.
Keeping this in view, what does it cost to insulate an attic?
It can cost anywhere from $1,700 to $2,100 or between $1.50 and $3.50 per foot to insulate an attic depending on what insulation material you choose. Blown-in insulation is the least expensive option and ideal for older attics. Spray foam, while the most expensive, is best for noise reduction and new construction.
Without proper ventilation, a home can build up too much moisture, especially in the attic (warm air rises), which can cause mold problems and, overall, lower indoor air quality. This is not to say that if you have mold in your home, too much insulation is the culprit.