Asked by: Devajuti Blumenheim
home and garden indoor environmental quality

Can I insulate my attic myself?

If you need to add insulation in your attic, save big by blowing in cellulose insulation yourself. But saving $1,000 or more with blown in ceiling insulation will make up for your aching back. The long-term payoff of insulating an attic is impressive too.

Besides, should I insulate my attic myself?

A finished attic should be insulated much like the rest of the house, with insulation in the walls and ceiling. If your attic is already finished, it probably is at least partially insulated. However, most older attics are under-insulated so it's a good idea to raise the R-value where possible.

does Home Depot do attic insulation? It makes adding insulation to your attic a breeze. We love our DIYers, so take up our incentive to improve your attic insulation situation yourself. You get a free blown-in machine rental with your insulation purchase. We have the insulation tools you need to make your home comfortable and energy efficient.

Keeping this in view, what does it cost to insulate an attic?

It can cost anywhere from $1,700 to $2,100 or between $1.50 and $3.50 per foot to insulate an attic depending on what insulation material you choose. Blown-in insulation is the least expensive option and ideal for older attics. Spray foam, while the most expensive, is best for noise reduction and new construction.

Can you put too much insulation in attic?

Without proper ventilation, a home can build up too much moisture, especially in the attic (warm air rises), which can cause mold problems and, overall, lower indoor air quality. This is not to say that if you have mold in your home, too much insulation is the culprit.

Related Question Answers

Ishtiaq Werdel


Can you lay insulation over electrical wires in attic?

If there is not anyinsulation in your attic, fit the insulation between the joists. Don't compress the insulation to fit behind pipes or wires. Instead cut to the middle of the batt's thickness so you have a flap under the wire and one over the wire.

Joy Cesario


What is the best insulation for an attic?

Loose-Fill Insulation
Cellulose is the most effective material and has an R-value of 2.2 to 3.8 per inch, but if exposed to moisture it can get moldy.

Najet Chaure


How many inches of insulation should be in my attic?

The recommended level for most attics is to insulate to R-38 or about 10 to 14 inches, depending on insulation type.

Asim Zhemchujny


Is air sealing the attic worth it?

Air sealing your attic is essential to an energy efficient home. Air sealing your attic and having it appropriately insulated helps minimize the stack effect. This will make your home's temperature more comfortable and easy to regulate, while protecting you against high energy costs year-round.

Borislava Alcoverro


Is it OK to put flooring over blown in insulation?

If blown-in insulation is used, control the height or thickness of the layers so boards can by laid over top without having to compact the filler.

Valia Ambrosch


Should I remove old attic insulation before adding new?

Do I Need to Remove Old Insulation Before Adding New Attic Insulation? Your current attic insulation will form the basis of the additional attic insulation that you are planning to install. Therefore, unless it is damaged or your roof is damaged, you should not have to remove the original insulation.

Cisne Ghidini


How can I insulate cheaply?

5 DIY Ways to Insulate Your Home on the Cheap
  1. Cover any air leaks with weatherproofing. Use weatherproofing strips and caulking to seal any air leaks in your doors and windows.
  2. Add thick curtains to your windows.
  3. Fix drafty doors with a door snake.
  4. Plug your chimney when not in use.
  5. Seal your attic air leaks.

Yaneisy Celli


How long does Attic Insulation last?

Typical Insulation Lifespan
The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors states that spray foam insulation, wrap tape and housewrap insulation can last for more than 80 years. At the same time, cellulose, loose-fill, foamboard, loose fill and rock wool insulation can last up to 100 years.

Rona Kleinke


Should you insulate roof rafters?

Insulating between rafters will do no good, because the attic should be ventilated, and the rafter insulation would be between two unheated spaces. You can add insulation to the floor; the more the merrier. Also, make sure the attic is well ventilated. Cold roofs prevent ice dams.

Zhichao Heckert


Can I spray foam insulation myself?

A: Tom Silva replies: Spray foam is great insulation, but it's fairly demanding to apply; the kit instructions have to be followed exactly. In fact, study them before you buy your kit so you know what you're in for. As with spray-foam kits, protect yourself and the floor from the dripping globs of canned foam.

Severiano Eycke


How thick is r60 attic insulation?

In temperate coastal areas such as Zone 3, attic insulation of at least R30 up to a maximum of R60 is recommended. For loose-fill cellulose, this translates to a total depth ranging from 8 inches up to 16 inches.

Silver Poduri


How much difference does attic insulation make?

Batt insulation can work well for some attics, also, although it is much more difficult to install thoroughly. A quality insulation will increase the energy efficiency of your attic and save you as much as 15 to 25 percent off your energy bill without expensive renovations.

Madona Ferradosa


Will insulating attic keep house cooler?

Once you get control of the attic temperature, insulation keeps rooms at a consistent temperature. It keeps the cooler air down where you want it in the summer, and keeps heat from escaping in the winter. It's important to make sure that your insulation levels are appropriate throughout the house.

Angelov Totten


Does finishing an attic increase value?

Finishing your attic can add space and utility and increase the value of your home, as long as it's done properly. When done without proper planning or adherence to local building codes, it can actually reduce the value of your home or stall a sale.

Matt Engelhaupt


How often should attic insulation be replaced?

Insulation should also be replaced, in some cases sooner than 15 years, if it is no longer doing its job properly. You'll know it needs to be replaced if there are insulation leaks or if it is peeling from the walls.

Mali Wobbeking


Is attic insulation worth the cost?

However, spray foam insulation is more expensive to install than batt insulation. A good median option between the two — both in cost and R-value — is blown-in cellulose. As an added benefit, when the hot D.C. temperatures come back, the attic insulation will also minimize your air conditioning bills.

Jianyan Bayersdorfer


How much does it cost to insulate a 1200 sq ft attic?

How much does attic insulation cost? The pros charge $1,500 to $2,000 to do a 1,200-sq. -ft.

Cleide Ajaev


How much is a bundle of insulation?

The cost for batt and roll insulation starts at $0.12 to $0.16 per square foot for a three-and-a-half-inch barrier that provides a value of R-11. The cost of a single roll of reflective insulation varies according to its R-value.

Annie Mosse


What is the cheapest insulation material?

Fiberglass batts are typically the cheapest insulation, but a loose corner or tear can diminish the insulation quality.