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Asked by: Esteve Prokurorov
home and garden indoor environmental qualityCan I just replace the air handler?
Correspondingly, how much does it cost to replace an air handler?
An air handler costs $500 to $3,500, with most homeowners paying $700 to $1,500. This does not include installation, which averages $1,500 and ranges $200 to $2,100. Air handlers connect to an air conditioner or heat pump to provide cooled or heated air for an indoor space.
Besides, how long does it take to replace an air handler?
Generally speaking, a full HVAC system replacement will take around three days to complete; one day for the changeout, and two days to do the ductwork. More extensive ductwork might require three or four days.
The average cost to replace a Central AC evaporator coil is around $710, when the parts are under manufacturer warranty and you only pay the labor cost. Out of warranty coil repair cost is approximately $1,460 for parts and installation.