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Asked by: Davide Lindenberg
music and audio sports talk radioCan I listen to the World Series on the radio?
Listen to the World Series on 97.3 ESPN. 97.3ESPNwill provide comprehensive coverage from the112thMajor League Baseball World Series betweenthe Chicago Cubsand Cleveland Indians. There will be aone-hour pre-game showleading in to each World Series gamebeginning at 7 p.m. ET.on 97.3 ESPN Radio.
Besides, is the World Series broadcast on the radio?
The World Series continued to be broadcastonthe radio, with NBC Radio covering theSeriesfrom 1960–1975, and CBS Radiofrom1976–1997.
- Open the App Store and install "ESPN Radio".
- Launch ESPN Radio and tap the "+" button.
- Listen to SportsCenter.
- Listen to the PodCenter.
- Select “Podcasts” to get more optionsaboutdifferent sports on your screen with ESPN programs.
- Listen to stations.
- Exit the application.
Beside above, what radio station is airing the World Series?
Per the current broadcast agreement, theWorldSeries will be televised by Fox through2028.
TUNEIN. This service makes it easy tolistenonline. Just visit their NFL page, find thelisting for theNFL game you want to hear and you'reset. Theyoffer free or paid ($9.99 per month) andyou'll get to hearthe local call for every NFL gameduring theseason.