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Asked by: Arcadi Landesa
technology and computing programming languagesCan I make an Android app with Python?
You can make an android app usingPython.In order to achieve this, I would suggest you useBeeware or VOC,which is just a suite of python tools, thatwork togethervery well and they enable you to developplatform-nativeapplications in python. Since Androidapps like Javalanguage to make suitableapps/games.
Also question is, can I make mobile apps with Python?
Yes, you can develop a mobile appusingpython. Python is the server sideprogramminglanguage while iOS and Android are client side. One ofthe mostpopular frameworks for Python mobile app developmentisKivy. Let's have a look on top 10 python frameworkformobile app development.
- Java – Java is the official language forAndroiddevelopment and is supported by Android Studio.
- Kotlin – Kotlin is the most recently introducedAndroidlanguage and the secondary official Java language; it issimilar toJava, but in many ways, a little easier to get yourheadaround.
can python be used to make iOS apps?
Yes, nowadays you can develop apps foriOSin Python. There are two frameworks that you maywant tocheckout: Kivy and PyMob.