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Asked by: Trista El Ouakili
technology and computing programming languagesCan I make Android app in Netbeans?
Also asked, can I develop Android apps in Netbeans?
Even with your pleasant with Netbeans IDE I'mrecommended to use eclipse IDE or android studio todevelop android app these are especially for developingandroid apps development , Netbeans IDE also used fordeveloping android apps but this Netbeans IDE is usedmostly for developing java applications .Googleofficially
Just so, can Netbeans run on Android?
There are many IDEs available for Android, butNetbeans is a great place to start with. It is good forbeginners but if you are a pro then you can switch toEclipse IDE or official Android IDE i.e. AndroidStudio. First of all you need to download Netbeans IDE; youcan download it from the Netbeans site forfree.
Installation process:
- Download Kotlin plugin.
- Launch NetBeans IDE.
- Choose Tools and then Plugins from the main menu.
- Switch to Downloaded tab.
- On the Downloaded tab click Add Plugins… button.
- In the file chooser, navigate to the folder with downloadedplugin.
- Click Install button in the Plugins dialog.