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Asked by: Amaro Zumkeller
hobbies and interests paintingCan I paint my vinyl siding a darker color?
Subsequently, one may also ask, can vinyl siding be painted a different color?
Some paints, in particular those containing urethane, work great on vinyl siding as long as you choose an exterior paint color that's lighter than the color of the vinyl siding itself to prevent flaking paint and warping vinyl. But if you have your heart set on a darker color, you're in luck.
Beside above, can you paint aluminum siding a darker color?
Answer: You should paint aluminum siding a color similar to the shade of the original finish, or lighter. Using dark paint colors on metal and plastic siding should be avoided. The reason is that dark colors absorb excessive heat from the sun, causing buckling and paint failure.
“If it's not properly prepared and cleaned, the paint will peel. Painting on vinyl siding is very dependent on having a clean surface, using an adhesive primer and a high quality acrylic paint.” Acrylic paint bonds over the vinyl surface.