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Asked by: Coretta Gesslein
video gaming pc gamesCan I play Minecraft on PC if I bought it on Xbox?
Accordingly, can I play Minecraft on PC if I own it on Xbox?
No. Minecraft is not an Xbox PlayAnywheretitle – if you want to play onXbox One,you'll need to purchase Minecraftseparately. Visit theMinecraft page for more info on how topurchase onXbox One.
In this manner, can you get Minecraft on Windows 10 if you have it on Xbox?
Minecraft for Windows 10 is an editionofMinecraft designed for Windows 10,featuringcross-play with players on "bedrock devices" such asXboxOne, iOS and Android phones, Nintendo Switch, and more.Topurchase Minecraft for Windows 10, visittheMicrosoft Store.
When you buy an Xbox Play Anywheredigitalgame through the Xbox Store or theWindowsStore, it's yours to play on bothXbox One andWindows 10 PC at no additionalcost. Then, simply loginto your Xbox Live/Microsoft accountand your XboxPlay Anywhere games will be availabletodownload.