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Asked by: Valerian Buchbinder
music and audio sports play by playCan I play my TV through Alexa?
Similarly one may ask, can I play my TV sound through Alexa?
Requirements For Playing TV AudioThroughAlexa Playing TV audio through Alexa is easy ifyouhave all the necessary devices. You willneed:Amazon's audio device with Alexa support. SmartTVwith Bluetooth feature, or.
In this way, can I connect my TV to Alexa?
If your TV has the HDMI-CEC feature,youcan also use Alexa to send a voice command toaplug-in Fire TV streamer that will switchtheTV to the HDMI input that the Fire TVisconnected to. This means that you can useanEcho-type device to replace the Alexa-enabledTVremote for many TV functions.
Make and receive calls using Echo devices.Tostart a call from a compatible Echo device, justaskAlexa to call the person or contact you want toreachby name. If you have a voice profile and Alexa is abletorecognize your voice, your contacts list is automatically used.Youcan call a contact through theAlexaapp.