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Asked by: Velda Matarin
technology and computing computer peripheralsCan I plug my MacBook air into 220v?
In this way, is a MacBook Air Dual Voltage?
Answer: A: Answer: A: The AC adapter can operate oneither 110 volt or 220 volt systems and switchesautomatically.
Similarly, you may ask, do I need a voltage converter for my MacBook?
A voltage converter not necessary, your MBP willwork just fine with a plug adapter. MBP's are designed tohandle Line voltage: 100V to 240V AC. A good battery backupwith stabilizer may be a good idea particularly if the area you aregoing to does not have stable power.
Answer: A: Answer: A: The MacBook Pro runs on everyvoltage available in the world, specifically it runs on 100to 240 volts at 50 or 60 hertz as well as 15 or so volts (DC) fromits battery. A plug adaptor is the only thing you willneed.