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Asked by: Itahisa Reithmeier
food and drink barbecues and grillingCan I put a fire pit on grass?
Regarding this, can you use fire pit on grass?
Always place a fire pit on a non-flammable surface, such as patio blocks or concrete. Do not put a fire pit on a wooden deck or directly on grass.
- Place a wooden pallet on a flat and level space on your grass lawn.
- Spray a mist of water onto the pallet or plywood until it is damp to the touch.
- Cover the surface of the pallet or plywood with red bricks.
- Position the fire pit on top of the brick surface.
Also to know is, what do you put under a fire pit?
You can easily find a hardboard of cement, landscaping tiles, concrete or any other heat resistant material to put under a fire pit on grass or your precious deck. These non flammable, heat resistant materials will absorb much of the heat thereby insulating your surfaces from the fire pit heat.
Some metal fire pits recommend you to use an inch or 2 thick layer of sand at the bottom of the pit. Sand is also great for protecting the actual metal bowl from the intense heat the fire can put out. At the end of the day, there is no harm in putting sand in the base of a metal pit.