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Asked by: Urtzi Simonneau
automotive green vehiclesCan I put green antifreeze instead of Dex cool?
Also question is, can I use antifreeze instead of Dex cool?
Firstly, Dex-Cool andtraditionalanti-freeze don't mix well. Though they can worktogether ina pinch, after extended use, they canreact andcreate a gel, which can be very damaging tomultiplecomponents of your cooling system. For that reason, thebest thingfor your Chevy or GM vehicle is to stickwithDex-Cool.
People also ask, can you mix Dex cool with green antifreeze?
This is a mistake and can lead toexpensiverepairs. The two coolants should never bemixedtogether as they do not react well. Whenmixedtogether they can form a thick, jelly-likesubstance thatcan completely stop all coolant flowwhich canlead to overheating.
Dexcool is rated to last longer thannormalcoolant. If you mix Dexcool with regularanti-freeze,you lower the life expectancy. Also, some coolantswillsludge when mixed together. As long as they are the samecolors,you'll be okay.