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Asked by: Rikardo Stoecklein
automotive motorcyclesCan I put HID bulbs in my projector headlights?
Also, what kind of bulb goes in a projector headlight?
Halogen projector headlights: Thefirstprojector headlights used halogen bulbs, justlikereflector headlights. These headlightstypicallyproject a more even beam of light than reflectors, with asharpercutoff between light and dark, even though they use theolderhalogen bulb technology.
- Open your vehicle's hood.
- Open the back cap on the headlight assembly and take outthestock bulb.
- Insert the xenon light into the headlight housing.
- Insert the xenon bulb into the headlight.
- Connect the HID bulb with the ballast and connect theHIDballast back to the stock socket.
One may also ask, are HID or LED better for projector headlights?
Projector headlights are significantlybrighterthan reflector headlights. They're less likely toblindother drivers. Xenon HID bulbs can only be usedwithprojector headlights. HID bulbs are too brightwhenused in reflector headlights, where the light they emitcanblind other drivers.
As projector bulbs age, theirbrightnesscan decrease as much as 80 percent -- before thebulbsburn out. While increasing the lumens of aprojector beyondits rated brightness is not possible,you can reducethe number of lumens lost by bulbage.