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Asked by: Doretha Barrada
home and garden home appliancesCan I put vinegar in the bleach dispenser?
In this way, can I put white vinegar in the bleach dispenser?
Brighten and Whiten Clothes Add the distilled white vinegar tothefabricsoftener dispenser or add the vinegarmanuallyat thebeginning of the rinse cycle. The mild aceticacidinvinegar also acts as a whitener and brightenerforgray,dingy clothes.
Herein, where do you put vinegar in a washing machine?
For yellowing, soak the clothes overnightinamixture of one part vinegar and 12 partswater.Thefollowing day, put it in the washing machineontherinse cycle with half a cup of vinegar to reallybringbackthe white. For a stain spot treatment, Nelson saysto“applyundiluted vinegar to stainandwashimmediately.
When you add the bleach it is directed downaspoutbetween the inner basket (where the clothes are) andtheouter tub(holds the water). As the washer fills for thewashcycle, thebleach is diluted to a safe level beforethewater levelreaches the inner basket so straightbleachnever touches yourclothes.