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Asked by: Ambros Wahner
home and garden interior decoratingCan I put wallpaper straight onto plasterboard?
Hereof, can you put wallpaper directly on drywall?
It is not a good idea to hang your wallpaper directly onto bare drywall. Much of the drywall surface may come off with the wallpaper in the process. So you'll spend more time working on drywall repair or replacement that could have easily been avoided if the wall had been properly primed.
Simply so, do you need to seal plasterboard before wallpapering?
Newly plastered walls and ceilings need to be sealed before any wallpapering or painting for that matter, takes place. When this happens, the bond between the paste and wall is very weak and the paste and wallpaper will simply peel off. To seal a surface before you hang wall paper the wall also needs to be totally dry.
Priming of your substrate prior to tiling is recommended in many instances. Most manufacturers now recommend use of a primer on wood, concrete, plaster, plasterboard, etc. prior to tiling. This will promote bonding for the tile adhesive and prevent potential issues with overly porous or non-porous surfaces.