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Asked by: Anthonia Pieha
technology and computing computer peripheralsCan I receive a fax on my Android phone?
In this manner, can cell phones receive faxes?
Receiving faxes on a cell phone willallowyou to get information when you don't have access to acomputer.All that you need is a service and a web enabledphone andyou can begin receiving yourfaxes as anemail. You don't even need a fax machine,an extraphone line or any software.
Regarding this, how do I receive a fax on my printer?
How to send a fax – using thedocumentfeeder. Once the fax feature has been added totheprinter, select the “fax” featureandoperate the printer as you would a regularfaxmachine. Put the document in the feeder, dial the numberyou wantto fax, and then press the send button.
On Windows PCs, the faxing software is WindowsFaxand Scan – which is built-in to every PC.On Applecomputers, it's simply called the Fax PDF tool andcanbe found under File > Print. If you don't have atelephone jackon your PC, then that's okay. If that's thecase, then youneed to buy a fax modem USBdongle.