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Asked by: Veniamin Yagofarov
real estate real estate buying and sellingCan I refinance if my house is worth less than I owe?
Similarly, it is asked, can you refinance if you owe more than your house is worth?
Refinancing When You Owe More Than Your Home Is Worth. Borrowers can refinance up to 125% of the home's value. To qualify for HARP, Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae must own your loan, you must not have missed any payments in the past year, and you may have to meet some credit score requirements.
Also know, what to do if your house is worth less than you owe?
If you owe more than a house is worth and want to sell, but aren't sure what to do, here are six options.
- Stay and Pay. There are several reasons you might choose to keep making the payment on a house, even if you owe more on it than it's worth.
- Refinance.
- Get a Loan Modification.
- Go for a Short Sale.
- Walk Away/Foreclosure.
The main way to refinance your mortgage if you're underwater is through a government program called the Home Affordable Refinance Program, or HARP. Most lenders offer this program through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The mortgage must have been originated on or before May 31, 2009.