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Asked by: Wenwen Pekhterev
business and finance government businessCan I renew my security license after it expires Ontario?
Your security guard or private investigator licence has an expiry date that is linked to your date of birth. When your licence is renewed, the renewal date will always be two years in the future and linked to your date of birth. You will get your licence faster if you apply online, but you can also apply by mail.
Regarding this, how do I renew my security license in Ontario?
Renew, restore or register for a new licence as an employer of security guards and/or private investigators.
- Before you register online. Make sure you have to register.
- Register online.
- Cost and payment.
- Returned registration form.
- Maintain (renew or restore) a registered licence.
- Apply by mail.
Keeping this in consideration, can you work with an expired security license?
Once the ID card expires, you will be ineligible to continue in employment as a security guard. If your registration is expired for 6 months or more, you will be required to reapply for a new registration.
Renew your Security Licence Online
- click "Renew Online"
- enter your licence number and renewal number (from your renewal letter)
- click "Click to Renew"
- if you have no events or occurrences to declare, click "I agree" to the declaration*
- select duration of the licence (1 or 5 years)
- enter your credit card details (VISA or Master Card only)