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Asked by: Elarbi Amurizaga
home and garden indoor environmental qualityCan I run my heat pump without a filter?
Accordingly, can I run my AC without a filter for one day?
Here's our professional answer: Running the AC without a filter just for one night won't hurt your AC system, but it sure won't help it either. Note: Running the AC any longer than a night without a filter risks serious damage and poor indoor air quality.
Just so, will a furnace run with a dirty filter?
Furnace filters Dirty filters are the most common cause of furnace problems. Dust and dirt restrict airflow—and if the filter gets too clogged, the heat exchanger will overheat and shut off too quickly, and your house won't warm up. If the blower is running but no heat is coming out, replace the filter.
Depending on your system, you should either change your AC filter or clean it. If you don't change your AC filter, it will begin to fail. It will no longer be able to filter the air properly, letting dust and contaminants get into the AC. Dust jams the moving parts of an AC such as fan motors and valves.