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Asked by: Wilbert Schoenen
technology and computing programming languagesCan I run Python on Android?
Regarding this, can we use Python in mobile?
Kivy is a multi-platform application developmentkit,using Python. This means Kivy runs on iOS, Android,MacOS,Windows, and Linux! That's quite a bit! What's more is, notonlydoes it run across the board like this, but youcanalso take advantage of multi-touch, which is commononmobile devices.
Keeping this in view, which programming language is used for Android Apps?
Yes, you can develop a mobile appusingpython. Python is the server sideprogramminglanguage while iOS and Android are client side. One ofthe mostpopular frameworks for Python mobile app developmentisKivy. Let's have a look on top 10 python frameworkformobile app development.