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Asked by: Sharan Monto
family and relationships internet safetyCan I see who searched me on Google?
Regarding this, can you see who searches for you on Google?
Unfortunately, there is no sure-fire way to know whoissearching for you on Google, Facebook, or the Internetingeneral. Don't fall for apps or websites that claim theycantell you this. Like it or not, everyone has anonlinepresence—and that's true whether you use theInternet24/7 or never in your entire life.
Also asked, can someone find out if you Google them?
The short answer to this question is no, theywillnot be able to tell if you look for themonlinethrough a regular Google search. In fact, most of theroutinethings you do online are not trackable by otherordinaryusers unless you leave an obvioustrail.
No, Facebook doesn't let peopletrack who viewstheir profile. Third-party apps also can'tprovide thisfunctionality. If you come across an app that claims tooffer thisability, please report the app.