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Asked by: Remigio Nowaczynski
technology and computing computer peripheralsCan I send a fax through a wireless printer?
Just so, can you fax from a wireless printer without a phone line?
If you have no landline or VoIPconnection,you will have to get more creative. Yougenerallycan't hook a fax machine to acellphone, soyou won't be able to fax overthe telephonenetwork. You can, however, use avariety of online servicesto send a fax without a landlineor even fax without afax machine atall.
Correspondingly, how do I send a fax from my printer?
How to send a fax – usingthedocument feeder. Once the fax feature has been added totheprinter, select the “fax” featureandoperate the printer as you would a regularfaxmachine. Put the document in the feeder, dial the numberyou wantto fax, and then press the sendbutton.
Sending Faxes from Your Smartphone Sending faxes can be done by scanningdocumentsvia your phone's camera, an image on yourphone'sgallery, or sending a PDF document through thesmartphone app.You can also easily send the fax viaemail. Need toadd a cover page or edit the document with asignature or text?You can.