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Asked by: Fausta Auguste
medical health pharmaceutical drugsCan I send prescription drugs through DHL?
Simply so, can I send medicine by DHL?
There are some obvious things that you cannotsendwith DHL (such as animals, illegal substances,guns andexplosives for instance). But there are also less obviousitems thatDHL can't transport, including aerosols,perfumes,aftershaves, eau de toilettes and cash.
Moreover, is it legal to send prescription drugs through FedEx?
Importation of prescription drugs by anindividualU.S. consumer for personal use is prohibited unless FoodandDrug Administration (FDA) approved. There arehoweverexceptions/restrictions: A copy of a validdoctor'sprescription. Complete name, address phone number oftherecipient's licensed treating physician.
Batteries are prohibited items, especiallywhensending overseas. If you want to sendaphone overseas please remove any battery beforepackagingthe goods. Our DHL services can acceptmobilephones, so if you want to send aphonefrom the UK internationally please do soviaDHL.