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Asked by: Elvio Morito
medical health digestive disordersCan I stop taking pantoprazole suddenly?
Just so, can you stop taking pantoprazole cold turkey?
Folks taking PPIs for treatment of stomachorduodenal ulcers for four to eight weeks do notrequiretapering down, and you can attempt to juststop them.Folks who have been taking PPIs for aperiod of six monthsmight consider tapering down their dose insteadof stopping coldturkey.
Besides, how do you wean off pantoprazole?
Taper off the PPI slowly.
- The higher the dose, the longer the taper.
- Decrease the current PPI dose by 50% each week until patientison the lowest dose once daily.
- In 2 weeks, change to H2 blocker.
- After 2-4 weeks on H2 blocker, try stopping or weaning.
- After 2 weeks off H2 blocker, try tapering offsupplements.
The most common side effects reportedincludeheadache, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Reports of moreseriousside effects include kidney disease, fractures,infectionsand vitamin deficiencies, but these are very rare and aregenerallyassociated with long-term use (using theseproductsfor more than a year).