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Asked by: Aurore De Quintana
food and drink world cuisinesCan I substitute celery seed for celery in soup?
Also question is, can celery seed replace celery in soup?
Celery leaves and stalks are very fibrous, whichmeans that they are difficult to hide in dishes like soupsand sauces. In order to replace a tablespoon of celeryseeds in a recipe, you will need to use six tablespoonsof chopped celery leaves and stalks.
Accordingly, what is a good substitute for celery in soup?
They might just save your recipe.
- about celery.
- jicama – one of the top celery substitutes.
- celery seeds.
- carrots.
- fennel stalks or fennel bulbs (the ultimate celerysubstitute)
- bok choy.
- celeriac – one of the essential celery substitutes.
- green apple (or more acidic apples)
Celery adds flavors and feelings of umami anddepth to a recipe. In fact, the volatile compounds responsible forthis effect work even in amounts small enough that thecelery flavor isn't distinguishable. You couldadd just enough to get the flavor benefit without tippinganyone off.