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Asked by: Janette Imbaud
food and drink desserts and bakingCan I substitute quick oats for old fashioned oats in baking?
Similarly, it is asked, can you substitute quick oats for rolled oats in baking?
In recipes that call for oats, rolled oats provide a chewy, nutty texture and flavor, while quick-cooking oats supply a softer, moister finished product. Both can be used interchangeably in many recipes, and you may even substitute oats for up to one-third of the flour in most baked goods.
Also to know, can I substitute old fashioned oats for quick cooking oats in cookies?
In oatmeal cookies, old-fashioned oats will give you a chewier texture, and quick oats will taste more like you ground up the oats a bit, i.e. slightly less chew, a more homogenous consistency, but still the same flavor. It's really personal preference which one you like better for baking.
Oat Substitutes You can replace the oats in an oatmeal cookie recipe with an equal amount of ground flax, rice bran, quinoa flakes or chia seeds. Ground flax has very little flavor and is likely to produce cookies that taste similar to the recipe with oats, with a slightly grittier texture.