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Asked by: Atasara Mendiri
events and attractions theater venues and eventsCan I track my Pizza Hut order?
People also ask, how long does Pizza Hut delivery take?
The delivery time is therefore calculated onthetime it takes from order confirmation to the deliverydriverarriving at your door. If this delivery time exceeds40minutes and is therefore late, you will receive a£10Pizza Hut Delivery voucher code.
Beside this, does Pizza Hut guarantee delivery time?
As part of our Online DeliverySpeedGuarantee, we will do everything we can toensurethat your online delivery order is deliveredwithin30 minutes. The Speed Guarantee timer starts as soonas yourorder is received by the Pizza Hut delivery store andendswhen your order reaches your door.
Thank you for downloading the Pizza Hut app!Youcan now order two or more of your favorite PizzaHutproducts, starting at $5 each! - As always, we've squashedsomebugs and made performance improvements to further enhanceyourapp experience!