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Asked by: Sylvester Chugani
personal finance student financial aidCan I track my school refund check?
Similarly, when should I expect my school refund check?
In most cases, your check will be sent withinthe first 14 days after the semesterbegins.
Also Know, can you track your financial aid check?
If you filed a paper FAFSA, youcan only check your application status once ithas been processed. The best way to check your FAFSAapplication status is to log in to your FAFSA account onlineor by calling the Federal Student Aid InformationCenter's toll-free number: 1-800-433-3243.
According to the Department of Education rules,this can take anywhere from 1-14 days depending on yourschool. Unfortunately, BankMobile does not control this timeframe and does not have your refund yet. (Weekendsand federal holidays are not business days.)