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Asked by: Jill Aswaldt
technology and computing laptopsCan I upgrade my Surface Pro to Windows 10?
Also, can you update Surface Pro to Windows 10?
You can also get information about Surfaceupdates for Windows 8.1. Or, if you're lookingfor Windows 10 updates on a PC, rather than Surface,you can go right to Update Windows 10 .
Subsequently, question is, can Microsoft Surface RT be upgraded to Windows 10?
Microsoft will not be releasing full updates ofits new Windows 10 operating system for any of itsSurface devices running Windows RT or WindowsRT 8.1. However, the company has confirmed that it is workingon a limited update for Surface devices using WindowsRT, which hit the market in 2012, along with Windows8.
Use a Recovery Drive to ReinstallWindows Follow these steps to use it in your Surface Prorunning Windows 10. First, make sure you Shut down yourSurface and plug it in. Now, insert the USB recovery driveinto a USB port. While pressing and releasing the power button,press and hold down the volume down key.