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Asked by: Agricio Haltenhof
technology and computing smartphonesCan I use 3g phone on 4g network?
Also know, how can I put 4g on my 3g phone?
Steps to use 4g sim in 3g mobile (Method 3)
- You need to download both Xorware 2G/3G/4G Switcher&Xorware 2G/3G/4G Interface App.
- Then Open App and choose the network settings.
- After that Select Network Mode to 4G LTE.
- Simply click on Apply and make your changes.
- Now you can Switch off your or restart your device.
Moreover, can you use a 5g phone on a 4g network?
In fact, the ramp-up to 5G means your4Gphone may actually get better. 5G is touted asagame-changing technology, with the ability to dramaticallyboostthe speed and coverage of wireless networks.Itcan run between 10 and 100 times faster than yourtypical4G cellular connection today.
Only phones made after 2015 will work,andthis excludes such popular phones as the iPhone 5S. Ifyouhave an already-activated 3G phone or 4G phone withoutVoLTEon Verizon, it will still work until the end of 2019,whichis when Verizon's 3G network will be eliminatedtomake room for its new 5G network.