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Asked by: Raffaele Rjavin
hobbies and interests paintingCan I use a compressor to spray emulsion?
Besides, can I use a air compressor to spray paint?
Air compressors are very useful to use when you want to use your paint sprayer. They have a lot more benefits compared to a paint sprayer that is airless, for instance, they are a lot gentler so when you are spraying the paint, it will be sprayed smoothly onto any surface that you want it to cover.
Subsequently, one may also ask, can you spray paint with a pancake compressor?
Probably not, because 150 psi air compressor labels are generally found on smaller pancake and hot-dog type models. (CFM or SCFM on the compressor label) Think of it this way, a bicycle pump provides a very high pressure but you wouldn't want to try spraying paint with one!
A typical spray gun will require low pressure, and HIGH volume, FAR more than any standard compressor yields. This one, for example, requires between 0-70 PSI, but 12 CFM. 12 CFM is far more than ANY standard compressor provides, not even in bursts. Or, this one, requires 10-14 CFM.