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Asked by: Shuting Casquet
technology and computing tablets and e readersCan I use AirPlay with chromecast?
Chromecast works with Android phones andtablets,iPhones and iPads, and any Chrome browser, whether it's ona PC ora Mac computer. New TVs from New TVs from Samsung andotherssupport AirPlay, but you still need an iPhone touseit.
Similarly, it is asked, can I AirPlay on chromecast?
To start mirroring to Chromecast openControlCenter on your iOS device, tap AirPlay, tap the nameof yourlaptop, and turn the mirroring switch to on. You should thenseeyour iOS device's screen on your Chromecast.
Simply so, how do I mirror my iPhone to my TV using chromecast?
Click Cast desktop and select the name ofyourChromecast. To mirror the mobile device, runtheAirPlay receiver you've downloaded. On the iPad oriPhone,swipe up from the button to display the ControlCentre and tapAirPlay Mirroring. Tap the AirPlay receiver to startmirroring thescreen.
Hardware Devices That Use AirPlay
- AirPlay Sender Hardware: Apple portable devices running theiOSoperating system — iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch —aresenders.
- AirPlay Receiver Hardware: Apple TV (all models except thefirstgeneration), Airport Express, and AirPlay-compatible speakersarereceivers.