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Asked by: Miorita Bringas
technology and computing smartphonesCan I use an old iPhone as a music player?
Just so, can I use an old iPhone for music?
Answer. You can absolutely use theoldiPhone as a Wi-Fi-only device that can stilluseiMessage, FaceTime, and other apps included on iOS andthat you'vedownloaded from the App Stores.
Beside above, can you still use iPhone without service?
Still, plenty of apps require noInternetconnection or cellphone service at all touse. TheiPhone is a perfectly capable devicewithout aservice provider or usage plan. You canuse youriPhone without any cellularservice.
To get started using an old iPhone asaniPod Touch, insert a SIM card into the phone—be sure the card is from the same wireless carrier that thephoneuses. Connect the iPhone to an Internet-enabledcomputerwith iTunes. The program will activate theiPhone,letting you use it as an iPodTouch.