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Asked by: Zayd Neugebauer
food and drink desserts and bakingCan I use both yeast and baking powder?
Beside this, will baking powder kill yeast?
Baking soda/powder and yeast workin two different ways. As long as your dough is not too acidic, theyeast will survive and work off of the sugars. If there's noacid in the dough, the baking soda/powder won't domuch. If the dough is too acidic, it may kill theyeast.
Similarly, it is asked, how does adding baking powder to bread make the dough rise?
This organism lies dormant until it comes into contactwith warm water. Once reactivated, yeast begins feeding on thesugars in flour, and releases the carbon dioxide that makesbread rise (although at a much slower rate than bakingpowder or soda).
Baking soda differs from yeast andbaking powder, because it produces carbon dioxide gas (andloses it) quickly. Baking powder or yeast isgenerally sought after in place of baking soda when a recipecalls for an extended chemical reaction (aka rising of dough)rather than a quick release.