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Asked by: Judas Ibarrolaburu
technology and computing computer networkingCan I use cable modem for DSL?
Also, will cable modem work with DSL?
The primary difference between DSL andcablemodems is because of the different means each uses toconnectto the Internet. You cannot use a DSL modem foracable Internet connection because it is designedtowork with phone lines instead of cable lines,andvice versa.
Simply so, does DSL use a modem?
DSL Modem. You will need to connect yourcomputerto a DSL modem, which the phone company will provideas partof your DSL service package. The phone line will plugintothe modem, and the modem will plug directly intoyourcomputer, or into a router for household wirelessDSLuse.
Bottom Line: Cable Is FasterinTheory In terms of theoretical peak performance,cablemodems run faster than DSL. Cabletechnologycurrently supports approximately 1000 Mbps of bandwidth(and someas high as 2000 Mbps) in many areas, whereas most formsofDSL reach speeds of less than 100Mbps.