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Asked by: Yaneli Hotetovsky
home and garden home appliancesCan I use corningware under the broiler?
Also, can you put corningware under the broiler?
Glass-ceramic based Corning Ware can be takenfromthe refrigerator or freezer and used directly on the stovetop,in anoven or microwave, under a broiler, for table/serving use, and when ready for cleaning put directly intoadishwasher.
Keeping this in consideration, can French white Corningware go under the broiler?
The original "French White" Corningwarewasmade of Corning's famous pyroceramic glass, which could beusedon the gas stove, put directly in the freezer, putunder thebroiler right from the freezer, and oh yes, alsoused in amicrowave. And it was very unlikely to shatterifdropped.
Your broiler may have a rack that's similar toagrill, and the tray can be placed under the rack.Becausehot grease could easily stain the broiler panandmake it impossible to clean, placing a sheet ofaluminumfoil along the bottom of the tray isrecommended.