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Asked by: Agenor Munitibar
technology and computing desktop publishingCan I use Google fonts in print?
Also question is, can I use Google fonts in logos?
So, no, there is no one “Googlelogofont.” But, Google's new logo is basedontheir new font, “Product Sans.” In caseyou'rewondering, no, you can't use ProductSansyourself.
Hereof, can I use Google fonts for commercial use?
Yes, Google fonts are all licensedforcommercial use under the SIL Open Font License, whichallowsanyone to use them -- for personal ANDcommercialprojects -- free and clear.
Generally, copyright law in the U.S.doesnot protect typefaces. Fonts may beprotected as longas the font qualifies as computer softwareor a program (andin fact, most fonts are programs orsoftware). England alsoallows typeface designs to be protected bycopyright (since1989).