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Asked by: Genadi Wohlfahrt
technology and computing web conferencingCan I use GoToMeeting and GoToWebinar at the same time?
Also asked, are GoToMeeting and GoToWebinar the same?
GoToWebinar, however, can accommodate up to 1000.You can interact in a conversational way with your attendees inGoToMeeting, while GoToWebinar allows you to requireyour audience to “raise their hand” to be heard.Attendees cannot communicate with each other inGoToWebinar.
Also Know, can I have two zoom meetings at the same time?
The feature to join multiple meetingssimultaneously from the Zoom desktop client allows users toparticipate in or monitor multiple meetings at the sametime. The Join button in the Zoom client willonly work for the first meeting that you join.
GoToMeeting only supports 26 people(including you) to attend. If you think you mighthave more than 26 folks, you'll need to use GoToWebinar,which supports up to 1000 participants.