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Asked by: Gurmail Platas
technology and computing web design and htmlCan I use jQuery instead of JavaScript?
People also ask, is it better to use jQuery or JavaScript?
With JavaScript, one has to write more lines ofcode. With JQuery, one has to write fewer lines of code thanJavaScript. Pure JavaScript is faster in accessingDOM (document object model.) as it cut the overhead whichJQuery has.
Likewise, is jQuery the same as JavaScript?
It may surprise you to learn that JavaScript andjQuery are actually the same thing. In a nutshell,jQuery is a set of JavaScript libraries that havebeen designed specifically to simplify HTML document traversing,animation, event handling, and Ajax interactions.
jQuery is a lightweight, "write less, domore", JavaScript library. The purpose of jQuery is to makeit much easier to use JavaScript on your website.jQuery takes a lot of common tasks that require many linesof JavaScript code to accomplish, and wraps them into methods thatyou can call with a single line of code.